
Physiological plant disorders are caused by non-pathological disorders such as poor light, weather damage, water-logging or a lack of nutrients, which affect the functioning of the plant system. Physiological disorder are distinguished from plant diseases caused by pathogens, such as a virus or fungus. Whilst the symptoms of physiological disorders may appear disease-like, they can usually be prevented by altering environmental conditions. However, once a plant shows symptoms of nutrient deficiency it is likely that that season’s yields will be reduced.

Causes of physiological disorders can be identified by examining:

Significant abiotic disorders can be caused by:

Natural: drought, frost, damage, and breakage by snow and hail, flooding and poor drainage, nutrient deficiency, s deposition and other soluble mineral excesses (e.g. gypsum), wind (windburn, and breakage by hurricanes and tornadoes), lightning and wildfire (also often man-made),

Man-made: (arguably not abiotic, but usually regarded as such) soil compaction, pollution of air and/or soil, salt from winter road salt application, herbicide over-application, poor-education and training of people working with plants (e.g. lawnmower can damage trees), vandalism. (Wikipedia)